If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ve heard me use the phrase head trash.
But what exactly does that mean?
Simply put, head trash is a deeply negative belief that you hold about yourself, such as: I’ll never be successful. No one will ever love me. I can’t do this because…
The words this nasty voice uses will vary from person to person, but these negative self-beliefs causebehaviors like self-sabotage, the fear of success, lack of self-confidence, and driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake.
That’s one reason taking out your head trash is such an important part of what I call “Mastering The Inner Game of Success.”
The Inner Game is what happens between your ears.
It’s your thoughts, beliefs, desires, priorities, and values.
All of these things are very important, but you can’t see them directly. You can only see the EFFECTS that they have.
By contrast, The Outer Game consists of things you CAN see – for example, the decisions, lifestyle, habits, systems and strategies that you do every day.
Only when you master both your Inner Game AND your Outer Game can you have the things called Success. Wealth. Health. Love. Happiness.
Let me give you an example…
I had just finished speaking at a seminar in Los Angeles.
As I was leaving the stage, a man rushed up to me, practically tackled me, and said he wanted to hire me as his coach.
I asked him what he wanted to accomplish.
He replied, “Noah, I’m totally stuck. I’m only making $4 million a year.”
Naturally, I laughed.
I told him that most people would be happy to be “stuck” at “only” $4 million a year!
He then explained that he owned a software company that had grown very quickly to $4 million per year in revenues. But for the previous four years, their revenues had flat lined. They were indeed “stuck” at $4 million per year.
Long story short: I did coach this CEO. Over the course of our work together, I walked him through every step of my Noah’s Formula.
Less than three years later, his company was earning more than $20 million per year in revenues.
But that’s not even the most amazing part.
The most amazing part is that 80% of our work together was on his Inner Game.
In other words, his head trash was costing him upwards of $16 million a year.
If you want to master the Inner Game of Success, take out your head trash.
Here are 3 ways your head trash is costing you big time…
Do you want to write a book? Start a new business? Launch your web site?
Maybe take a vacation? Do something new and exciting?
Your head trash will be the main thing that stops you.
This is why most people’s dreams lie unfulfilled – because the person succumbed to their head trash.
Does your head trash say things like, “No one really likes you”?
Or how about, “I can’t afford to do that.”
Or, “I can’t do it because…”
These are all lies you may be telling yourself.
But when you believe them, they become true for you.
How much are these beliefs costing you in missed opportunities and lost income?
There’s an old phrase in the personal growth industry that says, “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
But that question misses the point.
The point is, most people are so sure they’re going to fail, they never even try.
And on those few occasions they do try – maybe to launch their web site or write their book – at the first roadblock or obstacle, they tell themselves: “See, I told you I couldn’t do it!”
The point is, whatever it’s costing you, your head trash is costing you BIG TIME…
And most people need a little help to take out those trash bags.
Taking out your head trash is just part of my Formula to master your Inner Game and Outer Game of Success.
Would you like to learn the exact formula that’s been responsible for millions of dollars in increased revenues for my clients?
I absolutely LOVE hearing success stories like this from my Students.
That’s why I’ve decided to host a free, live Masterclass called
How to Get Rid of Your Head Trash Around Money in 5 Weeks or Less
where I will walk you through my proven 5-step system to get rid of your head trash around money in 5 weeks or less.
This is the exact system my clients and I have used to make millions in just the last few years, without overwhelm and without information overload.
Sign up for my new Masterclass here (it’s free)…
Noah’s Note: Why Your Head Trash Is Costing You Big Time
P.S. Watch this video to discover The 5 Beliefs Around Money You Must Avoid At All Costs
I believe in you!
Dr. Noah St. John, The Father of AFFORMATIONS®
Creator of The 12-Week Breakthrough
Copyright © 1997 - 2025 | | by SUCCESS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Noah St. John, PhD Making Success Automatic® Since 1997