
Noah has created something magical. I’ve been studying personal growth for more than 25 years and his insights take it to the next level!”

5 Star rating

Jenny McCarthy

Host of The Jenny McCarthy Show on SiriusXM
Jenny Mccarthy Reveiws

“I’ve known Noah for a long time and he was someone who early on gravitated to my message of bringing massive value to his audience.

5 star rating

Gary Vaynerchuk

Chairman of VaynerX, CEO of VaynerMedia, and the Host of The #AskGaryVee Show.
Gary Vaynerchuk ReviewsPlay video arrow icon

Noah St. John’s work is about discovering within ourselves what we should have known all along – we are truly powerful beings with unlimited potential.

5 star rating

Stephen Covey

Author of international bestseller: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Stephen Covey Reviews

Noah St. John’s work is awesome and soooooo very needed in this world right now.”

5 star rating

Marie Forleo

Host of MarieTV, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist
Marie Forleo Reveiws

“Noah’s program represents one of the most significant breakthroughs in the study of success in DECADES. If you want to eliminate self-sabotage from your life FOREVER, you owe it to yourself to get his program.”

5 star rating

Jack Canfield

Author of the Best-Selling book, The Success Principles Co-Creator, #1 NY Times Best-Selling Book Series, Chicken Soup for the Soul®.
Jack Canfield REviews

Noah’s methods can literally transform your life—and help you create the masterpiece you truly want and are capable of achieving.”

5 star rating

John Assaraf

Best-selling author of The Answer and featured in the blockbuster hit “The Secret”
John Assaraf Reviews

Noah is a brilliant guy who brings huge insight into this problem of embracing success he quite accurately observes in people.”

5 star rating

Neale Donald Walsch

Author of New York Times Best Selling books, Conversations with God.
Neale Donald Walsch Reviews

“Dr. Noah St. John is one of the best in the business at helping people thrive. In order to win in business and life, you need the right perspective – and Noah’s coaching will go a long way towards helping YOU get that positive perspective!”

5 star rating


Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing
David Meltzer Reviews

You’ll never achieve the success you desire until you take Noah’s advice to heart.

5 star rating

T. Harv Eker

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind. Helped over 1.5 million people move closer to their goal of True Financial Freedom.
T. Harv Eker Reviews

Noah speaks the language we all want to understand: how to make the most of your life and career.

5 star rating

Harvey Mackay

7-time, New York Times best-selling author of "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive", and "Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt".
Harvey Mackay Reviews

"If you are looking for a spark to light your inner flame, Noah’s methods will IGNITE your passion within!"

5 Star Rating


Founder & host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award winning podcast where he interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs
Ray Higdon Reviewspay video arrow icon

“Finally, someone gets to the bottom of why people keep themselves from the success they desire. Noah does an outstanding job of showing you how to overcome the problem once and for all!

5 star rating

Cheryl Richardson

NY Times Bestselling Author and Coach. Co-author, You Can Create An Exceptional Life
Cheryl Richardson Reviews

Great leaders know how to lead by example. They also know how to create trust. Noah St. John gives you a simple, proven way to become a true leader, both in your family as well as your professional life.

5 Star Rating

Stephen M.R. Covey

Bestselling author of The Speed of Trust
Stephen M.R. Covey Reviews

Noah St. John helped me gain the mental edge I was looking for. His methods helped me perform at my highest level without strain, and I saw better results immediately using his system.”

5 Star Rating

Andre Branch

NFL Pro Football Player
Andre Branch Reviews

Noah gives you a step-by-step approach to help you create the life you want and deserve.”

5 Star Rating

John Gray, Ph.D.

Bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and Staying Focused In A Hyper World
John Gray Reviews

"Noah's training was instrumental in helping me bounce back and into major profits. His insights on removing head trash are unlike anything I have ever seen!"

5 Star Rating

Ray Higdon

Author of Time Money Freedom
Ray Higdon Reviewspay video arrow icon

Noah has achieved something remarkable: he not only identifies what stops smart , creative people from the level of success they’re capable of, he also presents a practical system to help you overome these blocks. I highly recommend Noah’s work.

5 STar Rating

Joan Borysenko

Bestselling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind
Joan Borysenko Reviews

Noah comes from his heart and shows you how to awaken to your own inner power through the magic of a question.

5 Star Rating

Dr. Joe Vitale

Author of way too many books to list here from "Attractor Factor" to "Zero Limits"; appeared in The Secret. Singer-songwriter. Founder Miracles Coaching
Dr. Joe Vitale Reviews

“Dr. Noah St. John has been a Legend in the industry of speaking and motivating for many years. His reputation as a home run speaker, powerful coach, and performance expert is among the best in the world. More importantly, his home life, family, and ability to balance both business and the living of a wonderful life is inspiring to his peers and clients. He is an example to all who know him.”

5 Star Rating


CSP, CPAE, Author The Promise To The One
Jason Hewlett Reviews

"Noah’s methods helped me get through a particularly challenging time in my life. If you’re thinking about hiring Noah as your coach, I highly recommend it—because his strategies have the power to change lives!"

5 Star Rating

Mari Smith

Premier Facebook Marketing Expert & Social Media Thought Leader
Mari Smith Reviewsplay video arrow icon

"Noah St. John has an extraordinary gift for helping people break through their limitations and achieve remarkable success. I first discovered his work way back in 2008, and his ability to simplify complex concepts and deliver actionable steps is unparalleled. For anyone looking to elevate their life and achieve their highest potential, I highly recommend working with Noah!"

5 Star Rating

Hal Elrod

#1 Bestselling Author of The Miracle Morning
play video arrow icon

"As a result of following Noah St. John's coaching advice, I built the largest infill development company in Nashville with over $40 Million in sales!"

5 Star Rating

Britnie Turner

Founder & CEO of Aerial Development Group and Real Estate Developer
Britnie Turner Reviews
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"Noah St. John is a beacon that will make you more sure-footed on your life’s path."

5 Star Rating


Author of Juicy Living
Sark Reviews

"What an incredible program! Noah’s methods can help anyone reach their goals faster."

5 Star Rating

Roger Dawson

Author of Secrets of Power Negotiating
Roger Dawson Reviews

"Noah will help you reach your dreams faster and easier, and with less effort than you ever imagined possible. He’s amazing!"

5 Star Rating

Marcia Wieder

Dream University’s CEO, Professional Inspiring Speaker, Bestselling Author and Global Visionary Leader
Marcia Wieder Reviews

"Noah’s work will help you understand what is important in your life and give you a clear path on believing in and achieving your goals. The sooner you hire Noah, the sooner your true happiness can begin!"

5 star rating

MaryEllen Tribby

CEO/Founder "Working Moms Only", Special advisor to ETR, and Co-author of best selling book "Changing The Channel"
Maryellen Tribby Reviews

"Noah St. John has so much integrity, love and passion for helping others. His charisma is incomparable to anyone else in the world. He is world class in the industry, and anyone working with him will have much success!"

5 star rating

Adam Farfan

CEO of Astral Capital
Adam Farfan reviews

"Noah St John has created a masterpiece with The Book of Afformations®. I truly enjoyed this book and believe that I am already on a better path toward success as I implement the principles Noah has so eloquently shared in his book."

5 star rating

Nathan Osmond

Nashville Recording Artist

"I appreciate that Noah St. John’s teachings are simple to understand and practical to apply. I recommend Noah without reservation to anyone who wants better results in life, health, and business."

5 star rating

Dr. Fabrizio Mancini

Author of The Power of Self-Healing 
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini reviews

"Noah St. John has been at the forefront of the business coaching industry for decades now. He's the best in the business when it comes to helping entrepreneurs skyrocket their results in record time. If you want to take your business to a whole new level without the stress or overwhelm, hire Noah St. John TODAY. You'll be glad you did!"

5 star rating

Anik Singal 8-figure CEO
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini reviews

"Noah St. John's coaching STARTS where Think and Grow Rich and The Secret left off!"

5 star rating

Mike Filsaime

Legendary Marketer and 8-figure CEO
Dr. Fabrizio Mancini reviews

Real People, Real Results

"Bill’s Doing Multi-BILLION Dollar Deals"

Real Estate Professional
5 star rating

"Britnie’s $40,000,000.00 Testimonial"

Real Estate Professional
5 star rating

"Coaching With Noah Is Worth More Than A 4-Year College Degree!"

5 star rating

“Having Noah As A Loving Mirror Has Been Awesome Experience And Honor. My Mentor Is So Cool.”

5 star rating

"Tim’s $4,500,000.00 Success Story"

5 star rating

"Adam’s $20,000,000.00 Case Study"

5 star rating

"Sheila Did $75,000.00 in 8 Weeks"

Network Marketing Professional
5 star rating

"My Business Is Up 800% Since Working with Noah!"

5 star rating

"Aubrey’s Business Doubled In 12 Months"

Business Owner
5 star rating

"Dr. Stacey’s $350,000.00 Transformation"

5 star rating

"I Traveled 14 Hours to Get To This Event, and It Was Worth Every Minute."

Real Estate Professional
5 star rating

"Not Your Typical Rah-Rah."

Event Attendee
5 star rating

"Noah Will Give You The Tools So You Can Succeed."

5 star rating

"Noah gave me direction, clarity and self assurance."

Event Attendee
5 star rating

"My team sales and team volume doubled!"

Network Marketing Professional
5 star rating

"George Went from 80-Hour Work Weeks to 6 Figures per Month"

5 star rating

"Susan Went From $60K in Debt to 6 Figures In 7 Months"

Host & Producer
5 Star rating

"Noah’s coaching will give you the BREAKTHROUGH that will take you to the next level."

Event Attendee
5 star rating

"Thomesa tripled her investment in first 2 weeks"

5 star rating

"I Raised $115,000.00 in ONE Day Thanks to Coaching with Noah!"

Kathryn S.
Event Attendee
5 star rating

"I Trust Noah Enough to Bring My 18-Year-Old Son and We Joined His Platinum Coaching, Too!"

Event Attendees
5 star rating

"Noah will help you take it to the next level and integrate your Inner Game and Outer Game."

5 star rating

"Coaching with Noah St. John Is Just As Valuable As My Degrees from Harvard and Columbia!"

5 star rating

"Noah St. John Help Us To Grow Our Business!"

5 star rating

"It's Been Fun Doing Noah's Lesson and Program!"

5 star rating

"I Learned So Much From Noah's Program!"

5 star rating

"Noah St. John Program Help Me Enhanced My Productivity, Mindset!"

5 star rating

"Noah’s Event Gave Me So Many Aha Moments That I Joined His Platinum Coaching Program!"

Network Marketing Professional
5 star rating

"Noah and his Afformations® Method have been an important part on my journey from jobless to international Bestselling Author."

Marc R. Reviews
"Noah and his Afformations® Method have been an important part on my journey from jobless to international Bestselling Author. When affirmations didn't work, Afformations took me further."
Author, Speaker, and Corporate trainer
5 star rating

"I Wish I Had Done Noah’s Program Earlier!"

Robert E. Reviews
5 star rating

"Noah - you have integrity and care deeply for your clients."

Mary G. Reviews
"Noah - you have integrity and care deeply for your clients. I always love putting you on stage because I know everyone in the audience will receive value and they can walk away and make changes in their life"
Success Resources America
5 star rating

"If you haven’t heard of Afformations, then I HIGHLY suggest you check out his books and content!"

Karis S. Reviews
Wellness Expert
5 star rating

"He really does fill in the gaps towards your success."

Dallas G. Reviews
“He has some really great stuff! He really does fill in the gaps towards your success.”
Sales Professional
5 star rating

"Noah St. John can give you and your company the Peak Performance Edge you’re looking for."

Retired NFL Veteran
5 star rating

"By following Noah’s program, my sales tripled in one month."

Brandon H. Reviews
“I’d spent over $30,000 on self-improvement products with few results. By following Noah’s program, my sales tripled in one month – and by the end of the year, my sales increased 560% and I was named New Agent of the Year!”
Financial Planner
5 star rating

"Thanks to Noah, I went from having tons of head trash to a 7-figure business!"

Elizabeth P.
5 star rating

"I skyrocketed my business from zero to over $100,000."

Georgina S. Reviews
“Thank you, Noah, for contributing to my business success. I skyrocketed my business from zero to over $100,000 in less than 4 months!”
5 star rating

"My sales numbers are climbing every week!"

Marie L. Reviews
"Thanks to Noah and his Power Habits® Coaching, my sales numbers are climbing every week! What I appreciate the most about my success is not just the return it brings me."
Business Owner
5 star rating

"I have personally DOUBLED my personal production since working with Noah."

Lynda N. Reviews
“My team’s recruiting has grown 300% and I have personally DOUBLED my personal production since working with Noah. Thank you so much for changing my life and business!”
Network Marketing Professional
5 star rating

"I got a surprise check in the mail for $14,329.00."

Dr. James B. REviews
"Dear Noah: Your discovery and development of AFFORMATIONS® has truly been a blessing to me personally. I use them daily and share them with my patients. As a result of using your methods, I got a surprise check in the mail for $14,329.00."
Business Owner
5 star rating

" I can now work 12 hours a week and make more money."

Scott Z. REviews
"In the 5th week of Noah’s course, I closed a consulting contract for more than $110,000. I can now work 12 hours a week and make more money than I made last year working 70+ hour weeks."
Business Owner
5 star rating

"I TRIPLED my income, renewed my personal relationships."

Cari M. Reviews
“Since working with Noah, I TRIPLED my income, renewed my personal relationships, and took my life to the next level of overall wealth… all in less than 12 months!”
Business Owner
5 star rating

"I Recovered My Health In Record Time Thanks to Noah’s Methods!"

Angela Rose B. Reviews
“I gave AFFORMATIONS® a try while I was in the hospital with dengue fever. My immune system was very compromised at this point, and I was looking to give my mind something to do while I was healing in the hospital. I Recovered My Health In Record Time Thanks to Noah’s Methods!"
Sales Professional
5 star rating

"I use it every day. Your technique is very easy and very efficient."

Yakov M. Reviews
“Hey Noah! Your work is amazing. I use it every day. Your technique is very easy and very efficient, and I recently met the perfect girl for me using your methods!”
Professional DJ
5 star rating

"It has been 2 weeks and I already notice an incredible difference in my confidence."

Tina F. Reviews
"Noah, I found out about you from a friend, bought your course, and did the work – and also purchased your book for myself and all my friends. It has been 2 weeks and I already notice an incredible difference in my confidence."
5 star rating

"I made an additional $29,000 in one week."

Janie A. Reviews
“Using just ONE IDEA Noah taught me, I made an additional $29,000 in one week and an extra $22,000 in a DAY!”
Real Estate Professional
5 star rating

"Noah’s methods helped to double our sales and break the million-dollar mark."

Frank S. Reviews
“Noah’s methods helped to double our sales and break the million-dollar mark. We now have a group of guys believing in themselves and working to get to the next level.”
Business Owner
5 star rating

"Noah’s formula was the final piece for me."

Yvette R. Reviews
“The results I’ve gotten from Noah’s program have been spellbinding! Manifesting money, my meditations have been transformed, my sleep has become sublime just to mention a few. Noah’s formula was the final piece for me."
Dundalk Ireland
5 star rating

"A medical miracle!"

Brenda W. Reviews
“Dear Noah: I purchased your AFFORMATIONS® System a couple of days ago. Prior to purchasing your system, I had received a medical bill which was quite hefty. I was pretty sure I owed a deductible but certainly not the whole thing. A medical miracle!"
Ashburn Virginia
5 star rating

"Noah’s formula was the final piece for me."

Mary L. Reviews
“Thank you for AFFORMATIONS®! I learned about it on Tuesday, and on Friday morning (yesterday), I received a call out of the blue for a part-time job that pays more than the full-time job I was just laid off from. Noah’s Afformations® were the missing piece."
5 star rating

"Your work helped me sell an “unsellable” house really quickly."

Joyce O. Reviews
“I’d like to say thank you Noah. Your work helped me sell an “unsellable” house really quickly. Not only that – it sold for $40,000.00 over what I was asking before I started using your work. Forever grateful! Noah St. John – Creator of Afformations.”
5 star rating

"I landed my dream job making $9000 a month working just 30 hours per week."

Melissa Paolo-C. Reviews
Event Planner
5 star rating

"I’ve tripled my business and relationships that had been rocky are on very solid ground."

Stephanie C. Reviews
“Wow, thank you Noah, for contributing to my success and happiness. I’ve tripled my business and relationships that had been rocky are on very solid ground. Listening to AFFORMATIONS® before I go to sleep is a really important part of that transformation!”
5 star rating

"I have broken company sales records by leasing up nine apartment rentals within 12 days."

Brian L. Reviews
“I have broken company sales records by leasing up nine apartment rentals within 12 days, resulting in over $95,000+ worth of annual rental sales.”
Sales Professional
5 star rating

"Noah definitely deserves one of these spots."

Alexandru S. Reviews
“At Mindvalley, we pride ourself in working with the biggest names in the industry. Noah definitely deserves one of these spots."
5 star rating
Digital Media Products Specialist

"My business has really grown over the last few years, as it was at that time I joined Noah’s Power Habits® Academy."

Douglas S. Reviews
“Using Noah’s Formula, I am about to cross the six-figure mark, which is more than double what I made last year.”
5 star rating
Business Owner

"My client list increase more in 3 months than it did all last year."

Matt D. Reviews
“I use Noah’s systems and books and I have seen my client list increase more in 3 months than it did all last year. Noah’s the real deal.”
5 star rating

"Using Noah’s Formula, I am about to cross the six-figure mark, which is more than double what I made last year."

Maru I Reviews5 star rating

"I made my investment back in less than 48 hours"

Cledra Mccullers-G Reviews
"I can’t even put a monetary value on the momentum that Noah's coaching has created in ALL areas of my life – business, health, love & more. I made my investment back in less than 48 hours after joining his program!"
5 star rating

"I Found the Love of My Life Using Noah’s Methods."

S. Salehi Reviews5 star rating

"Our team has done amazing things because of Noah St. John’s work."

Rob H. Reviews
"Our team has done amazing things because of Noah's coaching. I even lost 100 lbs by following Noah's methods!"
5 star rating
Network Marketing Professional

"My company went from $125,000 in sales to over $1.3 million."

Norm L Reviews
“My company went from $125,000 in sales to over $1.3 million in sales in just 15 months using Noah’s program.”
5 star rating

"After following his methods I was able to increase my business by over 6 figures a year."

Richard S. Reviews
"I can’t even put a monetary value on the momentum that Power Habits® Academy has created in ALL areas of my life – business, health, love & more. I made my investment back in less than 48 hours after joining the Academy."
5 star rating
"A Top-Notch Influential Speaker!"
Linda Cain Reviews5 star rating
"Business Training with a Spiritual Perspective!"
Baeth Davis Reviews5 star rating
"Very Inspirational!"
Cherie Debrule Review5 star rating
"The World Needs You!"
Deffy Hoffman Adair Review5 star rating
"Amazing Authentic Teacher!"
Andrew Rey Review5 star rating
"Truly Valuable Concepts!"
Hector G. Diaz Review5 star rating
"Very Impressive Presenter!"
James Graham Reviews5 Star Rating
"Noah Helped Me Tremendously!"
Mark Roth Reviews5 star rating
"He Was Absolutely Amazing!"
Ohilda Holguin Reviews5 star rating
"Excellent Professional Speaker!"
Julia Simens Reviews5 star rating
"Most Genuine And Engaging!"
Andrea Raquel Reviews5 star rating
"So Grateful for Noah’s Expertise!"
Cathy Sexton Reviews5 star rating
"Empowering, Positive And Uplifting!"
Dawn Bowers Ferrara Reviews5 star rating
"Excellent Presenter!"
Jean Daly Reviews5 Star Reviews
"Have Noah Speak to Your Talent!"
Lisa Rothstein Reviews5 Star Rating
"Life-Changing Experience!"
Steven Robello Reviews5 Star Rating
"Absolute Joy to Work With!"
MJ McMenamin Reviews5 star rating
"Truly A God-Send!"
5 star rating5 star rating
"Power Income and Hapiness Growth!"
Thom Scott Reviews
"Most Incredible Thought Leader!"
Tessa Kirby Reviews
"Stand Out Among the Gurus!"
Sharyn Abbott Reviews
"Noah's Energy and Warmth are Infectious!"
Shaun Mongeau Reviews
"Service Hero!"
Tamara L. Hunter Reviews
"Fantastic Coach!"
Sarah Gillet Couto Reviews
"His Message Blew My Mind!"
"Fantastic Speaker and Empowering Coach!"
Omar Khateeb Reviews
"Incredible Resource of Information!"
Roger Silvera Reviews
"Amazing Speaker, Author, and Trainer!"
Phil Black Reviews
"He is a True Master!"
Romina Bottinelli Reviews
"Intriguing, Valuable, and Inspiring!"
Ogo Ogbata Reviews
"He Truly Help Everyone He Meets!"
Nick DeVito Reviews
"Someone You Can Absolutely Trust!"
Mary K. Solane Reviews
"His Expertise is Helping People!"
Mark Johnson Reviws
"Profound Tools and Positive Approaches!"
Kathryn Dager Reviews
"Powerful Way of Sidestepping Old Beliefs!"
Marie Olivier Reviews
"Succint and Offered Great Value!"
Jena Apgar Reviews
"Creating a Next Level Mindset!"
Liz GAlloway Reviews
"He has Positive Spirit and has Good Insight!"
Joshua Hill Reviews
"He has the Keys to Unlock Your Greatest Potential!"
John Mignano Reviews
"Noah is a Blessing!"
Giesele Bohn Reviews
"Big Hearted, Generous, and Warm Coach!"
Geraldine Smythe Reviews
"Life Saver!"
Leslie Neinast Reviews
"Your Investment will Return Many Times!"
Craig Filek Reviews
"Noah is a Great Speaker, Trainer , and Author!"
Eric Taneda Reviews
"Fresh-modern and Actionable!"
Emmet Ferguson Reviews
"Consistently Motivating, Enlightening, and Entertaining!"
Dr. Steve Taubman Reviews
"His Afformations are Incredible!"
Diane Eble Reviews
"His True Gift is Helping People!"
Ernest Lehti Reviews
"His Impactful Message Brings Clarity!"
Christa O'Leary Reviews
"Wonderful Mentor and Empowering Speaker!"
Ameya Gulhane Reviews
"His Coaching Method is Awesome!"
Akihiro Okuda Reviews
"Noah is Amazing Person!"
Alister Bredee Reviews
"Trailblazer in the World of Mindset and Personal Performance"
Bill Ringle Reviews5 star rating
"Noah is Definitely a Rare Gem"
Doug Crowe Reviews5 star rating
Matt Pineu Testimonial


The Secret Code of Success Testimonials


Tom Beal Testimonial

tom b.

Sohan Gokarn Testimonial

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Lauren Ashley K. Testimonial


Brandon Boyd Testimonial


Jessica Hefley


Eve Gonzales Reviews


Robbin Conn Sullivan Reviews


Christine Hendriks Testimonials


Get Rid of Your Head Trash IG Testimonial


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Uniontown, OH 44685
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Copyright © 1997 - 2025 | | by SUCCESS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Noah St. John, PhD Making Success Automatic® Since 1997