The wait is finally over…
This week, my long-awaited new book from Hay House
will finally be delivered.
And to celebrate, every day this week I will highlight one of the thousands of Afformationssuccess stories I’ve received from grateful men, women, and children in over 100 countries worldwide that Afformations have touched…
Today’s Afformations success story comes from Susan in California.
She writes…
“Dear Noah,
When I first heard you teach Afformations and speak about your own situation, I was struck by how similar it was to my own.
I have been in the entertainment industry (primarily television), as well as a student of spiritual studies, for my entire adult life.
However, after a landslide destroyed our home seven years ago, I felt pulled to study coaching and schools of success philosophies, investing tens of thousands of dollars.
I devoted all my energies and funds into starting a new venture that would give me more time to work with people.
Much to my dismay, by the time I heard you speak, I was failing financially.
I had burned through all my savings, had no income, and was avoiding phone calls from creditors.
Fortunately, my husband was willing to buy the groceries and put gasoline into the car so I could stay in any kind of activity. I was physically stuck.
It was only because your story resonated so much with me that I was willing to spend the nominal sum to purchase your Afformations System home-study program
I listened to it right away, struck by the shift of philosophy.
I noted in my journal, “What if he’s right? What if it is in the questions? It is written: ask and you will receive. What if we just have to learn how to ask?”
I followed your instructions, and changed my negative reinforcement of the situation into a positive suggestion for my subconscious to pursue.
I could feel the difference immediately!
Then I listened to your iAfform Audios
And guidance began to flow, freeing my spirit to be creative.
Small bits of work began to arrive…
Nothing to write home about; however, any income was a shift in a direction that lifted my spirit!
I was not judging what came to me but accepting with gratitude, holding my vision, and using Afformations every day.
Three months later, I had multiple job offers and took a production opportunity.
And with each paycheck, my spirits lifted and my long-term vision prospered.
It’s now been six months. I have finished the first draft of my book and am using it as a springboard into my program to work with others.
My work is demanding, but I have been promoted and received a significant bump in salary that puts me on track as a six-figure income earner.
What have Afformations done for me?
I went from being “penniless” (no income, no savings, dependent on others for the basics of survival) to having a six-figure income in six months.
I am lightening up. I am having fun. I am pursuing my greater dream.
“Thank you, Noah!”
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“Noah’s methods can literally transform your life—and help you create the masterpiece you truly want and are capable of achieving.”
— John Assaraf, from the Foreword
“If you want to crack your own secret code of success, crack open Noah’s book.”
— Harvey B. Mackay, Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
“Noah’s work is one of the most significant breakthroughs in the study of success in decades.”
— Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup for the Soul
“Noah comes from his heart and shows you how to awaken to your own inner power—through the magic of a single question.”
— Dr. Joe Vitale, The Attractor Factor
“Using Noah’s methods, I tripled my income, renewed my personal relationships, and took my life to the next level of overall wealth . . . all in less than 12 months!”
— Cari Murphy, Radio Host
Dr. Noah St. John, The Father of AFFORMATIONS®
Creator of The 12-Week Breakthrough
Copyright © 1997 - 2025 | | by SUCCESS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Noah St. John, PhD Making Success Automatic® Since 1997