Problem Solving Skills

Problem solving skills are important for many reasons – because whether you’re solving a problem for yourself or someone else, helping others who are solving problems, or solving global problems that affect millions of people, there will always be problems to solve.

That’s why a crucial part of every entrepreneur’s role is finding ways to solve problems.

Here are the top 3 “must have” problem solving skills that every highly effective leader needs…

#1: To be a highly effective problem solver, you must be able to clearly state the problem.

To solve problems effectively, you must first know what the problem you wish to solve is.

Which means you must be able to clearly state the problem.

Why? Because if you can’t state the problem clearly, you can’t solve it.

For example, many of my private coaching clients tell me that they want to make more money.

But that is NOT the problem.

“I want to make more money” is a GOAL – not a problem.

“My website isn’t converting enough visitors into paying customers” – That’s a problem clearly stated.

Highly effective problem solvers realize that the first step to problem solving is being able to clearly state the problem.

#2: To be a highly effective problem solver, you must identify what’s CAUSING the problem.

Continuing with the above example…

Let’s say you’ve identified the problem as, “My website isn’t converting enough visitors into paying customers.”

(By the way, almost every one my coaching clients initially came to me with this problem.)

So now the next step in problem solving is to identify the CAUSE of the problem.

For example, I have a Website Conversion Checklist that I take my coaching clients through.

After we go through the Checklist, it’s very obvious to the client where the gaps are – and what’s causing their problem.

That’s why highly effective problem solvers take the second step to problem solving, which is to identify the cause of the problem.

#3: To be a highly effective problem solver, you must come up with creative solutions to the problem.

“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.” – Abraham Maslow

Continuing with our example…

After I’ve taken my client through the Website Conversion Checklist, our next step is very simple…

And that is to come up with creative solutions to the problem.

The beautiful thing is that many solutions do not require a large outlay of expenses or overhead…

And you don’t need to have a lot of “technical skills” to do it, either.

Of course, not all problems can be solved so quickly and easily.

However, at one of our favorite sayings is…

“Imperfect action beats perfect planning every time.”

Which means that I’d rather see my clients take baby steps to solve their problem, rather than waiting for everything to be “perfect”.

That’s one reason why highly effective problem solvers don’t just practice problem solving skills – they also get help from other problem solvers who are great at problem solving.

Bottom line: Problem solving skills will give you a huge advantage in today’s crowded marketplace.

Master problem solving skills and watch your results in business and life get better and better.

P.S. If you’d like to learn even more problem solving skills, join me for this FREE Masterclass

Because you’ll discover how to get unstuck, find your voice, and get rid of your head trash for good.

It’s true: You CAN have more success and you CAN live the lifestyle of your dreams.

I believe in you!

Noah St. John Coaching

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