Why is it so important to make friends ? ( How to Make Friends )
So why is that and why did I pick this topic well it’s a really crucial topic because with all of the connection tools that we have available to us on social media and so on and our phones are always right there with us a lot of people are still feeling more disconnected than ever…
And in fact a recent survey was sent out that just asked Americans how many close friendsdo you have and the average was 0 none that was a scary statistic…
So it’s some amazing when you think about that with all these connection tools we have still a lot of people are feeling like they’re lonely, they’re doing everything by themselves and that’s a lonely feeling…
I’ve been there I know what that’s like and it’s not any fun…
So why is it so important because…
In today’s #AskNoahStJohn video, I share how to make friends…
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Noah’s Note: How to Make Friends
Today’s #AskNoahStJohn Show is compliments of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
P.S. Watch this video to discover The 5 Beliefs Around Money You Must Avoid At All Costs
I believe in you!
Dr. Noah St. John, The Father of AFFORMATIONS®
Creator of The 12-Week Breakthrough
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