How to Go From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be

( Reaching your goals ) Here’s what happens when you are trying to change your life:

1. Right now, you are living in what I call Your CPR — Your Current Perceived Reality. In your CPR, you have what you have, you know what you know, you do what you do, and you are what you are. This is your Current Perceived Reality — and to you, that perception IS reality. There is nothing else. It is your own little universe.

2. What you want is to be “someplace else”. You want to change something about your life (get a new result). For example: you want to change your weight, your finances, your health, your relationships, your level of fame, your sphere of influence, the amount of money in your bank account, your lifestyle, or any number of other things.

That “someplace else” is what I call Your NDR — Your New Desired Reality. That is the reality you want to go and the “new reality” you want to experience.

Reaching your goals

3. Between your CPR and your NDR lies what I call Your Belief Gap: the space between where you perceive that you are right now (your CPR), and what it will be like when you arrive “someplace else” (your NDR).

How big is your Belief Gap? That depends on a number of things: how long you’ve been in your CPR; how hard you think it will be to get to your NDR; how many of your friends will tell you “it’s impossible” when you tell them your dreams; and so on.

Also, you probably have different Belief Gaps for different results you want to be, do or have in your life. For example, you may think it’s really hard to lose 20 pounds, but it’s really easy to make an extra $10,000 a month.

Or, you may think losing 20 pounds is a piece of cake (no pun intended), but to make an extra $10,000 a month is well nigh impossible.

Bottom line? Until you cross your individual Belief Gap for each result, outcome or experience you want, it will be very, very difficult for you to make the leap into the new life and the new reality you desire.

Take Action Challenge:

This week, catch yourself thinking about the things you want. It could be to have more money, lose weight, find romance, or any other goal.

Notice what you say to yourself when you think about moving from your CPR to your NDR. Is it empowering or disempowering?

Then make sure to change your disempowering beliefs to empowering ones.

Noah’s Note: Bridging your Belief Gap is the key to going from where you are to where you want to be.

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