Over the last two decades, I’ve developed the reputation of being able to help hard-working entrepreneurs, business executives and professional athletes to achieve remarkable results , and get rid of their head trash about money like…
One of the reasons my clients get remarkable results like this is because I show them how to get rid of their head trash.
How does it work?
Here are 3 quick tips to get rid of your head trash about money.
Whether I’m speaking at virtual conferences, doing private workshops or working with my private coaching and training clients, what I teach is that head trash is the voice in your head that says, “I can’t do it because.”
For example, when you think about your goals, you might say to yourself…
What’s the problem with that thinking?
It’s that human beings have an infinite capacity to make our beliefs and ourselves RIGHT. You are fulfilling your own prophecy.
For instance, you might say to me something like this:
“Hey Noah, I really want to grow my company and earn six or seven figures to my business in the next 12 months like YOUR clients do! But I can't do it because…”
And then you follow it with the excuse.
You tell me why you can't do it.
And guess what? You’re going to defend your excuse to the death. No Question.
Now that you know what your head trash is telling you, you need to understand how much that limiting belief is COSTING you right now. It is keeping you stuck or going the wrong direction from success.
So, going back to our example, you might say:
“Hey Noah, I really want to add six or seven figures to my business in the next 12 months like YOUR clients do! But I can't do it because…”
You need to understand how much that's costing you, to continue to hold onto that belief. Can you afford how much this is costing you.
Once you identify your head trash and realised how much it’s costing you, it’s time to make a decision.
You need to decide and have persistence that you are NOT going to listen to that negative voice in your head anymore.
That voice that says “I can't do it because.”
To tell you the truth, I grew up a poor, simple and shy kid in a rich neighborhood definitely not in the same level with the community.
As a result, I ended up with a ton of head trash and lost my confidence.
I had big goals and dreams – but I also had that negative voice in my head that said I couldn’t do it.
My head trash said things like, “I want to speak around the world and become a bestselling author and an expert. But who's ever going to listen to me? I’m a ‘no name from Maine’ – I dropped out of college twice – I’m nothing special just a common guy. So who's going to listen to me?”
Today, I have the distinction of being the only author in history to have works published by:
So, if I can get rid of my head trash and succeed…
YOU can do it, too!
Dr. Noah St. John, The Father of AFFORMATIONS®
Creator of The 12-Week Breakthrough
Copyright © 1997 - 2025 | | by SUCCESS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Noah St. John, PhD Making Success Automatic® Since 1997