In 2007, I found myself $40,000 in credit card debt,
working out of my parents’ basement.
I was depressed, frustrated, broke, and miserable.
Did you ever do that thing where you
transfer your credit card balance from
one zero balance card to another
every six months to avoid paying
credit card fees?
Yep, that’s what I was doing.
But the most frustrating part was,
I knew I had something valuable
to share with the world…
And even though I’d been working on
my business for years…
I still wasn’t sharing my gift or
making money the way I wanted to.
Then one day, I got an email about
a program about how to make money
by sharing your gift.
The course cost about $2,000
($1,997 to be exact)
But as broke as I was and with the debt I was carrying,
it might as well have been 2 million dollars!
But, I had this gut feeling that I’m supposed to
take this course.
So I took what was then the biggest gamble
of my life…
And bought the program.
(Thank God they had a payment plan,
because that’s all I could afford at the time!)
Now at this time, I have a tiny list
of fewer than 900 people.
I devoured the program and studied it
like a madman…
Because since I basically used my last money
to pay for this, I decided to give it everything I’ve got.
I followed my instructor’s advice to the letter…
And put together a teleseminar series where I
taught people my Noah’s System.
Well guess what happened next…
I made over $12,000 from my very first teleseminar series…
From a list of fewer than 900 people.
That was more money than I had ever made in my life.
I was ecstatic. I could finally see the light
at the end of the tunnel.
But there was just one little problem…
I was still working out of my parents’ basement.
I knew I had to get out of there and
start building a new life.
But I didn’t know what to do or where to go.
So I decided to do something that
most people would call “crazy”…
I decided to become what I call an
“Imperfect Action Taker”.
What that meant was that I decided to
keep taking action, even if I didn’t know
how everything was going to turn out.
I kept taking one step a time and
putting one foot in front of the other…
And wouldn’t you know it, I kept making
more and more money teaching my courses.
And paying down my credit card debt
bit by bit.
Then one day, I’m talking with a friend
who happens to live in a little town
in Northeast Ohio…
I tell him that I’m looking for someplace
nice to move to.
And he says, “Well, why don’t you move here?”
Before that moment, I’m not sure that
I could have told you where Ohio was
on a map of the United States.
But for some crazy reason, I decided
to pack everything I owned into my
1996 Toyota Camry and move to
this quaint little town in Northeast Ohio.
I get there and my very first thought is…
“What am I doing? I must be out of my mind.
“I’ve got to start my whole life over again
from scratch. What was I thinking?”
But then something amazing and unexpected happened…
Less than a month later, my friend
introduces me to one of his friends…
Who in turn introduces me to this beautiful
little blonde named Babette.
And the rest is history…
You see, the problem most of us face is that,
because we’ve been beaten down and
beaten up by life…
We have trained ourselves to not believe
in ourselves.
We start with desire: You want something.
Next comes belief: You either believe that
you can be/do/have that thing you want, or
you don’t.
Then comes action: Your actions spring
from your beliefs.
If you believe that you can’t be/do/have
the thing you desire…
You won’t take much action…
Which means you most likely won’t get
the thing you want…
Which means you’ll prove yourself right.
But what if you started to believe that
you can be/do/have the thing you desire?
You’ll start taking action and keep taking action…
And then what happens?
When you have a desire, believe, and take action,
that means you always get everything you want, right?
(crickets chirping)
That would be, ah, no.
I know that many people in our industry
don’t like to talk about this…
But the fact is that we have all had
the experience of desiring something,
really believing we were going to get it,
taking action, and then . . .
Not getting it.
Look, you and I have had plenty of disappointments,
setbacks, failures, and things not go our way…
Even when we did everything “right”!
What this means, then, is that after
desire, belief, and action comes the result.
You want something…
You believe something…
You do something…
And then something happens.
However (and this is one of the most
frustrating parts about life), there are
two kinds of results we can experience…
Desired results and undesired results.
Desired results are when you get what you wanted.
You get the date, you win the award,
you lose the weight, you land the big client,
and so on.
Undesired results, on the other hand,
are when you don’t get what you wanted.
You don’t get the date, you don’t win the award,
you don’t lose the weight, you don’t land the client, etc.
The question is…
What are you going to do when you keep getting
undesired results for that thing you really want?
How you answer that question is one of the
greatest determinants of whether you succeed
or fail in life.
So, your homework assignment for today
is simple…
Tell me what you do when you keep
getting undesired results for that thing
you really, really want.
“Like” the new fan page and share
your answer…
And now for our “$100 winner announcement.”
Actually, I’ve got a surprise for you…
What I’ve decided to do is increase the
stakes and make this even MORE fun!
Since I can’t subjectively “choose” a
best story, what I’m going to do is
REWARD you for taking action, and …
Each day that you play along and get
your homework done, I will add another
$100 to the pot for the winner.
So today we’re at $200 for the winner.
The winner’s pot will be $400
and I’ll announce the winner live on the event.
The winner will be chosen at random from
among every person who submits their homework
on the fan page for each lesson of this series.
Kinda cool right?
I don’t anyone else who teaches you
how to change your life like this for free
and then gives you money for changing your life!
“Like” the new fan page and give me
your answer…
I’ll see you tomorrow with a big announcement…
To your freedom,
P.S. So many of you have been
banging down the doors, asking me
how to get into live event
where I’ll teach you how to heal your
relationship with money…
So here it is…
Join me for live event
where I’ll announce our contest winner…
And yes, give you my very best secrets on
how to heal your relationship with money…
Be sure to watch the video and sign up now…
Because last time, we had 3,316 people register
for just 1,000 spots…
And with a 4-day head start, it’s a sure bet that
all 1,000 seats will be claimed pretty quickly.
I believe in you!
Dr. Noah St. John, The Father of AFFORMATIONS®
Creator of The 12-Week Breakthrough
Copyright © 1997 - 2025 | | by SUCCESS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Noah St. John, PhD Making Success Automatic® Since 1997