How to Create 7-Figure Funnels and Start an Automated Wealth

Are you tired of trading time for dollars, endlessly hustling to make ends meet? Imagine a business that makes money while you sleep, freeing you from the daily grind and allowing you to live life on your terms. This dream isn't just possible – it's achievable through the power of 7-Figure Funnels.

But first, let's address a common roadblock that traps many entrepreneurs: Income Ceiling Syndrome. This insidious problem stems from poorly designed sales funnels, also known as "FrankenFunnels," that leak profits and hinder growth. If you're ready to break free from this cycle of frustration, this guide will reveal the secrets of building automated sales funnels that transform your business and your life.

Bonus Material: Book a Discovery Call For Our Coaching Program

The Table Of Contents:

The FrankenFunnel Nightmare

Ever feel like your online business is a hodgepodge of half-baked ideas stitched together with digital duct tape? Congratulations, you've probably created a FrankenFunnel! This monstrous marketing mix-up is less a well-oiled machine and more a creaky contraption held together by wishful thinking.

But fear not, brave entrepreneur! The first step to conquering this beast is understanding its anatomy. Let's dissect this digital disaster and turn your FrankenFunnel into a finely tuned Ferrari of online growth.

The Anatomy of a FrankenFunnel:

  • A Frankenstein's Monster of Marketing: Imagine a sales funnel built with mismatched parts from various campaigns, stitched together without a blueprint. That's the FrankenFunnel, a chaotic creature of marketing that lumbers towards its goal, scaring away potential customers along the way.
  • The Maze with No Exit: This monstrous funnel lacks a clear path, leaving potential customers wandering aimlessly through a labyrinth of confusing messages and dead-end offers. It's like being trapped in a haunted house with no escape route.
  • The Ghost of Campaigns Past: FrankenFunnels are often haunted by the ghosts of outdated tactics, like creaky email blasts and dusty banner ads. These ineffective methods drain resources and leave marketers with a graveyard of missed opportunities.
  • The Missed Opportunities: These haphazardly assembled funnels miss critical chances to optimize lead generation and conversion. It's like trying to catch fish with a leaky net – you might get a few, but most will slip through the cracks.

Symptoms of a Leaky Funnel:

  • Traffic Jam with No Destination: Tons of website visitors but few leads? Your funnel is like a crowded highway with no exit ramps. Time to give those prospects a clear path!
  • Abandoned Carts Galore: Customers filling up their carts then ghosting you? Your funnel might be giving off creepy vibes. It's time for a customer experience makeover.
  • One-Night Stand Customers: Low customer lifetime value? Your funnel is attracting commitment-phobes. Build relationships, not just transactions.
  • Snoozefest Email List: Subscribers not opening your emails? Your funnel is boring them to tears. Spice things up with engaging content and irresistible offers.
  • Campaign Crickets: Marketing campaigns falling flat? Your funnel is sending the wrong signals. Time to re-evaluate your messaging and targeting.

Remember, If your sales funnel isn't guiding prospects smoothly through their buying journey, you're missing out on potential revenue. It's time to diagnose those leaks and turn that FrankenFunnel into a well-oiled revenue-generating machine.

The High Cost of Inaction:

Ignoring your sales funnel is like watching a hilarious slapstick routine, except it's your revenue that's taking the pie to the face.

  • Missed Opportunities Galore: It's like throwing a party but forgetting to send out invitations. Potential customers are out there, but without a smooth funnel, they won't find you.
  • Marketing Budget Goes Poof: Imagine investing in a fancy sports car but never filling up the gas tank. A poorly optimized funnel wastes your marketing dollars on leads that go nowhere.
  • The Lead Generation Treadmill: You're constantly chasing new leads, but they slip through the cracks before they convert. It's exhausting and unsustainable.
  • Burnout City, Population: You: Working harder and longer with diminishing returns? That's a recipe for burnout faster than you can say "Where did my motivation go?"
  • Growth? What Growth?: A leaky funnel keeps you stuck in survival mode, constantly patching holes instead of building a bigger, better business.

Remember, Don't let your sales funnel become a comedy of errors. Fix the leaks, streamline the process, and watch your business thrive.

The 7-Figure Funnel Solution

Tired of your marketing funnel resembling Frankenstein's monster – a chaotic jumble of mismatched parts? It's time to trade in the FrankenFunnel for a sleek, sophisticated 7-Figure Funnel.

This isn't your average marketing contraption. We're talking about a finely-tuned machine engineered to attract high-quality leads like moths to a flame. It then nurtures those leads with personalized content and irresistible offers, transforming them into loyal customers faster than you can say "Margarita Monday."

The best part? It does all this on autopilot, leaving you free to sip mojitos on the beach while your business thrives.

A Blueprint for Automated Success:

Forget the old sales pitch. This isn't just a funnel; it's a carefully choreographed dance leading your audience straight to the checkout.

What's the Big Deal?

  • Laser-Focused Targeting: No more casting a wide net and hoping for the best. This funnel speaks directly to your ideal customer, the ones most likely to become raving fans (and repeat buyers).
  • Nurture, Nurture, Nurture: Think of this funnel as a first-class flight for your leads, complete with personalized attention at every stage. We're not just pushing a sale; we're building relationships.
  • Cha-Ching! Maximize Conversions: From the initial click to the final "Buy Now," this funnel is optimized to squeeze every ounce of potential out of each interaction. It's like having a sales team that never sleeps.

Why This Blueprint is Your Golden Ticket:

  • Fits Like a Glove: We don't believe in cookie-cutter solutions. This blueprint aligns perfectly with your unique business goals and dream customer profile.
  • A Clear Path to Purchase: Your prospects won't get lost in a maze of confusing options. This funnel guides them through each step, making their decision a no-brainer.

This isn't just about making a sale; it's about building a brand, creating loyal customers, and watching your profits soar. Are you ready to take your funnel from "meh" to "magnificent"? This blueprint is your first step.

Unleashing the Power of Automation:

Tired of being glued to your screen 24/7? Want to make sales while you snooze? Let's dive into the magical world of automation and how it can turn your business into a money-making machine.

Why Automation is Your New BFF:

  • Lead Generation on Autopilot: Forget about manually chasing leads. Automation casts a wide net, attracting potential customers around the clock.
  • Email Marketing That Actually Works: Say goodbye to generic blasts. Personalized email sequences charm leads and guide them through your sales funnel, all without lifting a finger.
  • Smooth Sailing Sales: Streamline your checkout process, making it so effortless that customers practically throw their money at you (in a good way).
  • Dream Big, Sleep Soundly: Imagine waking up to a flood of new orders and happy customers. Automation makes it possible, giving you the freedom to focus on what truly matters.

Let's chat about how you can transform your business into a well-oiled, money-making machine. Schedule a free consultation today, and let's make some magic happen!

 Embracing Your Role as a Trusted Advisor:

Ditch the sales pitch and embrace your inner superhero advisor! It's time to transform your business into a money-making machine by building genuine connections and providing real value to your clients.

Why the Trusted Advisor Approach Works:

  • No More Sleazy Sales: Instead of pushing products, you'll be guiding clients toward the solutions they actually need.
  • Become the Go-To Expert: Position yourself as the authority in your niche, and watch the clients flock to you.
  • Build Relationships That Last: When clients trust you, they'll keep coming back for more – and that means recurring revenue for you!
  • 7-Figure Funnel, Here We Come! A loyal client base is the foundation of a sustainable, profitable business that can scale to new heights.

How to Become the Trusted Advisor Your Clients Crave:

  • Know Your Ideal Client Inside and Out: What keeps them up at night? What are their biggest challenges? Understand their pain points to offer tailored solutions.
  • Share Your Expertise Generously: Offer valuable content and advice freely. This builds trust and establishes you as the expert.
  • Listen More Than You Talk: Ask insightful questions, and truly listen to your clients' needs and concerns.
  • Deliver Results That Wow: Exceed expectations, and your clients will become your biggest fans and advocates.

Remember, building a 7-figure funnel is a marathon, not a sprint. Focus on building authentic relationships and providing exceptional value, and you'll be well on your way to achieving your business goals.

So, are you ready to embrace your inner superhero advisor and unlock the secrets to building a thriving business? Let's do this!

Bonus Material: Claim Your FREE Copy of My New Book, Get Rid of Your Head Trash About Money (just cover s&h)

Noah speaks the language we all want to understand: how to make the most of your life and career.


7-time, New York Times best-selling author of "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive", and "Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt".

"If you are looking for a spark to light your inner flame, Noah’s methods will IGNITE your passion within!"


Founder & host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, an award winning podcast where he interviews inspiring Entrepreneurs

“Finally, someone gets to the bottom of why people keep themselves from the success they desire. Noah does an outstanding job of showing you how to overcome the problem once and for all!


NY Times Bestselling Author and Coach. Co-author, You Can Create An Exceptional Life

Dr. Noah's Proven 7-Figure Funnel Types

Tired of spinning your wheels and chasing financial dreams that seem just out of reach? Dr. Noah St. John, the master of manifestation and business growth, is here to reveal the secrets behind his proven 7-figure funnels. These aren't your run-of-the-mill marketing strategies – they're tried-and-tested blueprints that have transformed countless businesses into profit-generating powerhouses.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into three specific funnel types that have not only lined Dr. Noah's pockets but have also empowered entrepreneurs around the world to achieve their own financial freedom. Get ready to witness the power of funnels done right – it's time to unleash your inner millionaire!

The Free+Shipping Funnel:

This ingenious funnel isn't just about giving away free stuff (though that's certainly part of the appeal). It's a carefully orchestrated symphony of marketing brilliance, designed to transform curious browsers into devoted customers.

How it Works:

  • The Irresistible Lure: Dangle a tantalizing "free" offer – a juicy eBook, an exclusive mini-course, or a coveted sample – in front of your target audience. The catch? They only pay for shipping. (Who can resist "free"?)
  • The Trojan Horse: Once they've bitten, they're inside your funnel. Now you have their attention (and their email address!).
  • The Upsell Extravaganza: Unleash your One-Time Offers (OTOs)! Present them with premium products, exclusive services, or irresistible bundles at higher price points. Since they've already committed to something "free," they're more likely to splurge on the good stuff.
  • Profit: Cha-ching! The initial "free" offer acts as a gateway drug, leading to increased sales, higher average order values, and a loyal customer base.

Why It Works:

  • Psychological Power of "Free": Triggers a sense of reciprocity and obligation, making customers more likely to purchase.
  • Low Barrier to Entry: The low initial investment (just shipping costs) reduces resistance and increases conversions.
  • Targeted Upsells: OTOs are strategically tailored to match the customer's interests and needs, maximizing the chance of a sale.

The Free + Shipping Funnel, a win-win for you and your customers. You get new leads and sales, they get valuable products and an irresistible sense of satisfaction. It's a beautiful thing, isn't it?

The Event Funnel:

  • What it is: Think of it as a digital party with a purpose. The Event Funnel starts with a free online shindig – a challenge that gets hearts pumping, a webinar overflowing with wisdom, or a workshop that sparks creativity. The goal? To lure in your dream clients and customers.
  • What happens: You dazzle your attendees with top-notch content, showing them you're the expert they need. Meanwhile, you subtly build up excitement for your premium offering – the one that's perfectly tailored to solve their problems.
  • How it works (hint: FOMO is your friend): Now's the time to sprinkle in some scarcity and urgency. Flash those limited-time discounts, dangle exclusive bonuses, and create a "get it before it's gone" vibe. The result? A wave of conversions and a cash register that's singing your praises.

Why it's awesome:

  • Attracts the right people: By offering valuable free content, you're essentially filtering for folks who are genuinely interested in what you do.
  • Builds trust and excitement: Your event gives you a chance to show off your expertise and get people pumped about your paid offer.
  • Boosts sales: Scarcity and urgency are powerful motivators. When done right, they can significantly increase your conversion rates.

So, are you ready to host a free event that leads to fabulous profits? The Event Funnel is your secret weapon!

The High-Ticket Application Funnel:

Tired of chasing tire-kickers? Say hello to the high-ticket application funnel, your golden ticket to attracting serious buyers who are ready to shell out top dollar for your premium services.

The sales-generating machine:

  • Bait the Hook: It all starts with an enticing lead magnet or a low-cost offer that's irresistible to your ideal clients. This could be a free webinar, e-book, or mini-course that showcases your expertise and leaves them wanting more.
  • The Velvet Rope: Next, it's time for the application process. Think of it as an exclusive club where only qualified leads get access. This step not only weeds out the freebie-seekers but also gives you valuable insights into their needs and budget.
  • Seal the Deal with Style: Forget about sleazy sales tactics. Instead, woo your potential clients with personalized consultations and proposals that highlight the unique value your high-ticket offer brings to the table. Show them how you'll solve their problems and transform their lives, and they'll be eager to sign on the dotted line.

Why this funnel is a game-changer:

  • Quality over Quantity: Say goodbye to the endless stream of low-quality leads. This funnel focuses on attracting a smaller pool of high-value clients who are more likely to convert.
  • Boost Your Credibility: By implementing an application process, you instantly elevate your brand's perceived value. It signals that you're not just another run-of-the-mill service provider but a sought-after expert in your field.
  • Maximize Profitability: High-ticket sales mean higher profits. This funnel allows you to command premium prices for your services, while still delivering exceptional value to your clients.

Ready to skyrocket your sales and ditch the time-wasters? The high-ticket application funnel is your secret weapon to achieving those financial goals. Now go out there and start attracting those dream clients!

Your Most Valuable Asset: A Loyal List

Diamonds may be forever, but a loyal email list is a business owner's best friend. This isn't just a bunch of names; it's your tribe, your cheering section, your eager early adopters. Nurture it right, and it'll be the gift that keeps on giving (sales, that is).

"Noah’s coaching will give you the BREAKTHROUGH that will take you to the next level."

So ditch the get-rich-quick schemes and focus on cultivating this invaluable asset – your golden ticket to entrepreneurial success.

Building an Engaged Community:

Ready to turn your email list into a buzzing community of raving fans? Let's dive into the secret sauce:

  • Lure them in with irresistible bait: Craft valuable content (think juicy tips, exclusive offers, and behind-the-scenes peeks) that your target audience can't resist.
  • Woo them with personalized charm: Ditch the generic blasts and embrace tailored email sequences that speak directly to each subscriber's interests and pain points.
  • Divide and conquer (in a good way!): Segment your list like a pro. Group subscribers based on demographics, interests, and purchase history, then deliver laser-focused messages that hit the bullseye.
  • Keep the spark alive: Don't let the conversation fizzle out! Engage your subscribers with regular, valuable emails that leave them craving more.
  • Show them you care: Encourage two-way communication. Ask for feedback, respond to comments, and make your subscribers feel heard.

Bonus tip: Sprinkle your emails with a dash of wit and personality. Let your brand's unique voice shine through and watch your engagement soar!

The Art of Persuasive Email Copy:

Tired of your emails languishing in the digital abyss? It's time to unleash the power of persuasive copy and watch your open rates soar!

Crafting Emails That Convert: A Recipe for Success

  • Subject Line Sorcery: Conjure up curiosity and intrigue with subject lines that beg to be clicked. Think of it as the tantalizing aroma wafting from a delicious meal – you just can't resist taking a bite!
    • Example: "Don't Open This Email... Unless You Want a Free Trip to the Bahamas"
  • Concise and Compelling Content: Get to the point and ditch the fluff. Your emails should be like a perfectly tailored suit – sharp, sleek, and leaving a lasting impression.
    • Example: "Tired of feeling sluggish? Our new energy bar is packed with superfoods to fuel your day. Try it now and feel the difference!"
  • Benefits, Benefits, Benefits! Stop talking about yourself and start addressing your reader's pain points. Show them how your product or service is the solution to their problems.
    • Example: "Struggling to meet deadlines? Our time management app will help you reclaim your schedule and boost productivity. Say goodbye to stress and hello to success!"
  • Call to Action: The Final Flourish: Don't leave your readers hanging! Tell them exactly what you want them to do – click a link, download a resource, or make a purchase.
    • Example: "Ready to transform your inbox into a money-making machine? Sign up for our free email marketing masterclass today!"

Remember, crafting persuasive email copy is both an art and a science. It takes practice, experimentation, and a dash of wit to create emails that truly resonate with your audience. But once you've mastered the formula, the rewards are endless!

"My team sales and team volume doubled!"

Email Marketing on Autopilot:

Tired of manually sending emails? Let's put your email marketing on autopilot and watch the magic happen:

  • The Power of Automation: Imagine pre-scheduled email sequences gracefully guiding your leads through the sales funnel while you sip your coffee. That's the beauty of automation! It nurtures leads, follows up with potential customers, and frees up your valuable time.
  • The Ultimate Email Marketing Toolkit: Email marketing software isn't just a fancy toy; it's your command center. Manage your list, track those open and click rates like a hawk, and analyze the data to fine-tune your campaigns for maximum impact.
  • More Time for Your Business (and Your Life): Ditch the tedious email grind and focus on what you do best – running your business. Let automation handle the emails while you brainstorm, strategize, and enjoy life outside the inbox.

Ready to level up your email marketing game? Embrace automation and watch your engagement (and sales!) soar!

Your Life, 12 Months Transformed

Imagine basking on a sun-kissed beach, a year from now, with all the heavy lifting in your business already done. You've implemented proven templates, checklists, resources, and strategies refined over 20 years and backed by a $750,000 investment. Your business thrives on autopilot, leaving you free to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Effortless Income, Endless Freedom

Picture this: you're relaxing on vacation, surrounded by loved ones, when your phone chimes. It's another online order, another deposit into your bank account. You smile, take a sip of your tropical drink, and return to the conversation.

Your friends and family are astonished. "How are you making money while you're on vacation? Last year, you were working nonstop and still struggling. What changed?"

Your answer? "I had a breakthrough."

Overcoming Head Trash

As you envision this future, doubts may arise. Let's address those concerns head-on:

  • Head Trash 1: "I'm not sure I can handle the discomfort of change."
    • Client Testimonial (Elizabeth P.): In less than two years, Elizabeth achieved her first seven-figure year and now enjoys multiple seven-figure years while spending more time with her family.
  • Head Trash 2: "Is this the best use of my time and money?"
    • Client Testimonial (Mike C.): After investing $70,000 in self-help with no results, Mike doubled his income twice in just 12 weeks with coaching.
  • Head Trash 3: "I lack the energy and resources for this."
    • Client Testimonial (Prem P.): Starting with $80 in his pocket, Prem increased his income by $10,000 per month within 12 weeks and continues to grow.

Your Breakthrough Awaits

If they could overcome their challenges and achieve remarkable success, why not you? Don't let head trash hold you back. Take action, follow the proven formula, and unlock your dream lifestyle.

"Susan Went From $60K in Debt to 6 Figures In 7 Months"

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

What's the biggest mistake people make with their sales funnels?

The biggest mistake is not having a clearly defined, strategic funnel in the first place. Many entrepreneurs cobble together a "FrankenFunnel" – a patchwork of disjointed tactics that don't guide prospects effectively toward a purchase. Another common error is focusing on vanity metrics like website traffic instead of prioritizing conversions and customer lifetime value.

How quickly can I expect to see results with 7-Figure Funnels?

Results can vary depending on several factors, including your industry, target audience, offer quality, and implementation efforts. However, many entrepreneurs see a significant improvement in lead generation, conversions, and overall revenue within the first few weeks or months of implementing 7-Figure Funnel strategies. The key is to consistently optimize and refine your funnels based on data and feedback.

Do I need a large audience to benefit from automated funnels?

Not necessarily. While a larger audience can amplify your results, even a small, engaged list can generate substantial income with the right funnel strategy. The focus is on quality over quantity – attracting the right people who are genuinely interested in your offers and nurturing them through a well-designed funnel.

What if I'm not comfortable with selling high-ticket offers?

It's natural to feel some hesitation about high-ticket offers, especially if you're new to them. However, with the right mindset and strategies, selling high-ticket offers can be just as easy as selling lower-priced products. The key is to focus on delivering exceptional value and positioning your offer as a solution to a significant problem your ideal clients face.

 Is there a guarantee that these funnels will work for my business?

While there are no guarantees in business, 7-Figure Funnels offer a proven framework for success that has been tested and refined over many years. The principles behind these funnels are based on sound marketing and sales psychology, and countless entrepreneurs have achieved remarkable results by implementing them. However, your success ultimately depends on your effort, dedication, and willingness to adapt and learn.


7-Figure Funnels offer a proven path to escape the income ceiling and build a business that works for you, not the other way around. By implementing these automated systems, you can generate consistent income, create time freedom, and build a loyal community of customers who value your expertise.

If you're ready to take action, explore the resources, templates, and support available to help you accelerate your success. Don't let doubts or fears hold you back. Remember the words of the countless entrepreneurs who have transformed their lives with 7-Figure Funnels: If they did it, why not you?

Take the leap and create your breakthrough. Your dream life awaits.

Bonus Material: Book Your Complimentary Breakthrough Session Right Here

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Copyright © 1997 - 2024 | | by SUCCESS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Noah St. John, PhD Making Success Automatic® Since 1997