AFFORMATIONS®:  Affirmations
For a New Generation

Afformations® Inventor and Hay House Author Noah St. John Reveals “The Missing Piece” to The Law of Attraction

Positive affirmations are statements of something that you want to be true – statements like: I am happy, I am rich, I am wealthy, I am successful. Now, say that statement to yourself: “I am rich.”What does your brain say?

And Your brain probably says, “Yeah, right!”

Because you probably don’t believe the statement you’re saying.

In April 1997, I was in the shower when I had an epiphany that changed my life…

You see, I had been reading books on positive affirmations for years

And I did exactly what all those teachers told me to do.

I wrote hundreds of positive affirmations and posted them all over the walls of my college dorm room.

I am happy, I am rich, I am wealthy, I am successful.”

The only problem?

I wasn’t ANY of those things!

Hay House author and Afformations® Inventor Noah St. John reveals his simple, 4-step method to attract all the health, wealth and abundance you desire – even if you’ve tried everything else

Do affirmations work?

Do positive affirmations make a difference?

Are daily affirmations effective?

Thousands of Google searches are done for these phrases every day: affirmations definition, affirmations meaning and affirmations positive. Also: affirmations for self love, affirmations for money, affirmations for women, and affirmations quotes.

So, dear reader, let me ask you...

How did YOU come to this page?

Were you searching for affirmations meaning or positive affirmations?

Have you been practicing daily affirmations?

If so, what has been your affirmation practice?

If you're like many of my clients I've coached over the last two decades, you may have tried some or all of the following techniques.

Affirmations Definition

First, we have to define affirmations. What is the affirmations definition most people are looking for?

I first learned about affirmations from Louise Hay from her classic book, "You Can Heal Your Life." Louise Hay affirmations are the classic affirmation type that include the I Am affirmations. Examples include:

I am happy.
I am successful.
I am rich.
I have high self esteem.

So, Affirmations are positive statements or phrases that you repeat to yourself, often to improve your self-esteem, motivation, or overall well-being. These statements are typically framed in the present tense and express a desired belief or outcome.

By repeating affirmations regularly, either out loud or silently, you can reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs, challenge negative self-talk, and create a more optimistic mindset. The idea is that with enough repetition, these positive affirmations can influence your subconscious mind and ultimately shape your reality.

Affirmations Examples

There are a few set ways we were taught to use affirmations -- from a short simple exercise that takes mere minutes, to affirming in word, to repeating affirmations designed to keep us optimistic and in keeping with our moral integrity, such as:

  • Using an affirmation meditation or affirmations for sleep.
  • Write your affirmation to overcome stress.
  • Practice audio affirmations to find love.
  • Used affirmation to increase grateful feelings - for instance, about:
    • Your body
    • Your physical or emotional health
    • Your feelings of being healthy
    • Your self worth
    • Your personal development
    • Your inspiration 
    • Your identity
    • Your ability
    • Your family
    • Your children
    • Your beliefs
    • Your career
    • Your energy
    • Your values
    • Your happiness
  • Affirmation to achieve your personal goals
  • Or affirmations to improve your mindset and confidence.
  • Maybe a video affirmation to lower the feeling of social anxiety or a sense of depression, or simply to say you deserve to manifest joy and abundance.

Why do we use positive affirmations like this?

Because these are the kind of examples we learned in a book, from a therapist or therapists, in an academic journal, in positive psychology. And it works in theory. 

But remember, theory is not the same as evidence or personal experience.

Maybe you're the type of person who needs more psychological or cognitive proof.  

Affirmations and Your Emotions

So let me ask you how you feel when you use affirmations or positive statements. While this isn't therapy, it is a very important action you can take right now, and the benefits will be immediately obvious to you.

How do you FEEL when you...

  • Make an affirmation list?
  • Say affirmations in the mirror?
  • Talk your affirmation out loud?
  • Use affirmations as your mantras?
  • Affirm using the written word?
  • Write specific statements like those listed above?

Since each person is unique, I suggest you take the simple action of checking in with yourself, and using your feelings as a helpful guide to healing your own reality -- because you are more than capable of coping with this concept.

In a majority of cases, when you say positive affirmations like the ones listed above, you're out of integrity with your Authentic Self and what you truly feel is true about you. 

Instead of celebrating your achievements, the reality is that oftentimes when you say the positive affirmation, you feel like you're lying to yourself.

When we say a positive affirmation, it often feels like we're lying to ourselves.

When you say positive affirmations like the ones listed above, what does your brain say?

If you're like most of the thousands of coaching clients I've coached over the last 20 years, your brain probably responds with...

"Yeah, right." 

In my books and online courses, as well as my coaching programs, I call this the "Yeah, Right" Response.

Because your brain literally says, "Yeah, right" when you say these positive affirmations.

One morning in April 1997, when I was in the shower, I had an epiphany that changed my life.

I had been reading books on positive affirmations for years.

I did what all the gurus told me to do.

I wrote hundreds of affirmations daily - affirmation mornings, affirmation mantras, affirmations I Am, affirmations for money, affirmations for self-love, and more.

"I'm happy. I'm rich. I'm successful.”

Except I wasn’t ANY of those things!

Why AFFIRMATIONS Can Be Frustrating

Positive Affirmations Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield is an AFFORMATIONS ® fan!

We’ve all heard the ancient law: As you sow, so shall you reap.

But what are we sowing?

We’re sowing seeds of thought.

And what are most people doing?

Sowing lousy thought seeds.

Positive Affirmations thought-seeds

Every self-help book I’d ever read had told me to just repeat these positive affirmations over and over, until I believed them.

And the only problem was, they weren’t working for me at all!

On that fateful morning, I realized that instead of asking lousy questions, getting lousy answers and creating a lousy life…

I realized that there was a far easier, faster, and more effective way to change your THOUGHTS, change your BELIEFS, and change your LIFE.

I’ve got a file cabinet overflowing with real-life success stories from men and women around the world who had tried everything, but who were still stuck and unfulfilled until using my AFFORMATIONS System.

That’s why my favorite part of the day is reading success stories from my clients - people just like YOU from around the world, like...

  • The couple in Germany whose marriage was saved by using my AFFORMATIONS System
  • The college student in Alabama who improved her grades using my AFFORMATIONS Method
  • The thousands of entrepreneurs who are making more money thanks to my AFFORMATIONS System
  • And so many more! (Just see the amazing but true real-life success stories on this page.)

When people say to me or write me on social meda, "Noah, you changed my life!’

That’s the TRUE meaning of success.

The Shower That CHANGED Everything

I named my discovery The AFFORMATIONS® System.

And ever since, my AFFORMATIONS® method has been called “the missing piece to the Law of Attraction.”

And tens of thousands of people from over 120 countries have experienced amazing breakthroughs using my System, from attracting more money to losing weight to finding the love of their lives, and more.

How To Use AFFORMATIONS® With Positive Affirmations

1: Start adding AFFORMATIONS® to your affirmations daily.

What is Afformations?

AFFORMATIONS ®  are empowering questions that immediately change your subconscious thought patterns from negative to positive.

For example, rather than using the positive affirmation, “I am rich” (which your brain might not believe), try Afforming: Why am I a money magnet?

** Why This Works: AFFORMATIONS use your brain’s embedded presupposition factor to change your unconscious assumptions about how to attract money and abundance.

2: Ask yourself what you really, really want.

It’s true: You can’t get where you want to go in life if you don’t know where that is.

Ask yourself, “If time or money were no object, what would I love to be, do, or have?”

If your dreams don't frighten you a little, you may not be dreaming big enough!

Because in the moment you say your dreams aloud - for example, to a coach or mentor who can help you get there - your words start to become your experiences. 

** Why This Works: Because everything you want is on the other side of fear.

3: Challenge your assumptions.

You are continually forming assumptions about life and your relationship to it.

The problem is, most people assume negative things like It’s too hard or I’m too old or I’m not good enough.

Do you believe these things about yourself?

Just because you’ve failed in the past does not make you a “failure.”

** Why This Works: The simple fact that you’re reading this right now means that you are stronger than you think!

4: Take out your head trash.

Most people focus on what they don’t have and what they can’t do. St. John calls this your head trash.

Imagine if every negative thought you had ever had was a piece of trash in your home. Now imagine that you never took out the trash. Pretty gross, right?

That’s why I encourage my coaching clients - everyone from CEOS to professional athletes to coaches and consultants to entrepreneurs - to study your thought patterns so you can perfect your behavior and receive messages from your subconscious mind. 

** Why This Works: When you take out your head trash, you’ll find that it’s a lot easier to attract the abundance you want!

Try AFFORMATIONS® by Noah St. John. You’ll love them!

Experience The Miracle of Positive Self-Talk Today

As a special “Thank You” for visiting our page today, you can claim your copy
of my Afformations® System: The Missing Piece to Having Abundance today
for 90% off the regular price – See the trailer and reviews below…

You will DISCOVER...

-- How the human mind really works – and why “affirmations” will almost never produce the results you want (page 18)
-- The 7-word phrase that will bring your desires to you “auto-magically” (page 63)
-- What traditional success teachers told you that’s just flat out WRONG (page 21)
-- How an unhappy employee created a job for himself … at TWICE his old salary! (page 79)
-- Achieve better health, wealth and well-being in just 5 minutes a day (page 52)
-- How to develop stone-cold, unshakable inner confidence (page 74)

You’ll also LEARN...

-- How a 13-year-old girl cured her chronic worry and insomnia using this method – in just one night! (page 29)
--  The 2 surprising ways to create your ideal life – it’s NOT what everyone else is telling you (page 27)
-- The 4 steps to create the life you really want (page 42)
-- How an insurance salesman increased his income 520% in one year – AND found the love of his life! (page 35)
-- Can you really have it all? Yes — here’s how (page 45)
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I look forward to being a part of YOUR success story.

To your abundant lifestyle,


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Get my Afformations System:
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Experts Recommend:

  • “Noah’s program represents one of the most significant breakthroughs in the study of success in DECADES. If you want to eliminate self-sabotage from your life FOREVER, you owe it to yourself to get his program.”
    Jack Canfield
    co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series
  • “Noah St. John’s work is about discovering within ourselves what we should have known all along – we are truly powerful beings with unlimited potential.”
    Stephen Covey
    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People®
  • “Noah is a brilliant guy who brings huge insight into this problem of embracing success he quite accurately observes in people.”
    Neale Donald Walsch
    author of Conversations with God
  • “You’ll never achieve the success you desire until you take Noah’s advice to heart!”
    T. Harv Eker
    author of Secrets of The Millionaire Mind
  • “Noah has created a remarkable system that transcends positive thinking and other motivational techniques to help you achieve success. Using humor and down-to-earth language, he gives you a step-by-step approach to help you create the life you want and deserve.”
    John Gray, Ph.D.
    author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
  • “Noah speaks the language we all want to understand: how to make the most of your life and career.”
    Harvey Mackay
    Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
  • “Noah’s methods can literally transform your life—and help you create the masterpiece you truly want and are capable of achieving.”
    John Assaraf
    Best-selling author of The Answer and founder of
  • “I can’t even put a monetary value on the momentum that Power Habits® Academy has created in ALL areas of my life – business, health, love & more. I made my investment back in less than 48 hours after joining the Academy. The modules, bonuses, access to community of people around the world – It’s all been PRICELESS!”
    Cledra McCullers Gross
    Entrepreneur Atlanta, Georgia
“Enjoying your workshop, Noah! I’m seeing how your ideas would be helpful and effective for parenting.”
Karen Swift Murdoch

“I love how you simplify things Noah.”
Bob Miller

“Thank you so much make me think how can I redirect my business and life !!!”
Andrea Dinwiddie

Whether you want to start your own business, get more customers, or experience financial independence, The Afformations® System will help you attract more money and abundance

And, the best part is, you have a full 30 days to try it for yourself RISK-FREE.

You’ll get practical, proven strategies you can use to start to see results in as little as 5 minutes a day.

What People Are SAYING...

“Noah St. John and Afformations Transformed My Life!”

“After using Noah St. John’s methods, I went from failing in business to building the largest infill development company in Nashville with over $40 Million in sales.”

“I Made My Annual Income in 44 Days!”

“I Doubled My Business in 6 Months!”

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Copyright © 1997 - 2025 | | by SUCCESS CLINIC INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Noah St. John, PhD Making Success Automatic® Since 1997